Monday, November 29, 2004

Sky City and anti-union tactics

A little while ago I posted about Sky City issuing a worker with a written warning following the worker's refusal to take off a badge celebrating Labour Day. An email campaign ensued, with national and international union associates being urged to email the HR manager involved to communicate their feelings about this issue. The SFWU website has an update and excerpts from the email campaign. Part of my email:

I write in support of the Service and Food Worker’s Union member who has been issued with a disciplinary warning following his refusal to remove a badge celebrating Labour Day... I assert that your actions in this instance are unfair, because you have singled out one employee from a number of others members who were also wearing badges... If you victimise one union member, you anatagonise all... I appreciate that you may conduct your employee affairs as you see fit, however I ask you to rethink your actions in this case. Singular and targeted disciplinary action is not the way to build a cohesive worker-employer relationship. As a Finsec member, I remind you that your actions against union members at your site impact union members across the country.

One of the emails from the website:

"On the weekend of the 12th, 13th and 14th our Social Club ( 36 people) were going up to Auckland to spend the weekend at your Casino... I have been asked to inform you by the other members that due to your companys attitude we will now not be coming to the Sky City Casino and we will be sending out that same message to every one else we know."

The campaign appears to be active still, check out the SFWU website for details and some of the other emails that people sent through.


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