Nurse's package offer
Great news on the pay front for our nurses and midwives:
A proposed settlement package has been reached between the country's DHBs and the Nurse's Organisation, the primary representation body of nurses and midwives.
What happens now? If the union members accept and ratify the offer, then the package will be rolled out through the New Year, backdated to July 2004. More from the Herald
Especially heartening is this from Laila Harre:
"We understood at that point [the August ultimatum by the DHBs] they had put all the money on the table that was available. We went back to our members with that position, who weren't satisfied and told us to go back for more." Ms Harre said it was the nurses' determination to take action that led to more money being offered from the government. (NZ Herald)
This proves (if it ever needed proving) that the key to success is worker strength and organisation. And not even action, the ability for action is all that is required. The nurses didn't strike, but they were organised and in a position to strike and the DHBs could see that.
It is a welome pay jolt for the nurses and health workers who will benefit - nurses' pay has been at a disgusting level for too long, and we've lost too many good workers through crap pay levels. This pay increase represents a significant restatement of the value we hold for nurses and midwives and the work they do.
Hooray for them!!!
bring on similar recognition for caregivers and other health workers, eg support staff like cleaners, orderlies, laundry workers! let's hope the nurses and midwives have started a trend :-)
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