Monday, January 03, 2005

International response to the tsunami disaster

Via LabourStart: "In the wake of the massive tsunami disaster which has hit South and Southeast Asian countries on 26 December, the ICFTU has written to its affiliated and friendly organisations in the countries concerned, expressing its condolences, support and solidarity to trade unions, their members, families and communities." [More from the ICFTU] Here is a link if you want to find amcam of the tsunami footage - via DPF Talk to your union to find out what they're doing to help in the aftermath.


Blogger Matt said...

I give up. I bloody edited this post five times, the last time it were the links that were visible, now it's the text.

All yours.

1:14 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Ah yeah, I have no idea how it turned out that way. Because I copied and pasted some text into the post I think it inherited the font and the rest of the post became a little mangled. I tried copying into Word and making the font and colour standardardised and repasting back into the post but it obviously didn't work.

2:54 PM  

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